Game theory & economics: Ariel Porat, Tel Aviv University Sun, 20/12/201515:30-16:30Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond Safra Campus
Game theory & economics: Francis Bloch, Paris School of Economics Sun, 10/01/201615:30-16:30Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond Safra Campus
Game theory & economics (Speaker: Matthew Elliott, Caltech) Sun, 08/05/201615:30-16:30Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond Safra Campus
Game theory & economics: Liad Blumrosen (HUJI), " (Almost) Efficient Mechanisms for Bilateral Trading (joint work with Shahar Dobzinski)" Sun, 15/11/201515:30-16:30Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond Safra Campus
Game theory & economics -Speaker: Eilon Solan, Tel Aviv University Sun, 29/05/201616:00-17:00Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond Safra Campus
Game theory & economics: Ran Spiegler (Tel Aviv University and University College London), "On the "Limited Feedback" Foundation of Boundedly Rational Expectations" Sun, 29/11/201515:30-16:30Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond Safra Campus
Game theory & economics: Eyal Winter, HUJI Sun, 27/12/201515:30-16:30Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond Safra Campus
Game theory & economics: Gilad Bavly and Ron Peretz, (Bar-Ilan) Sun, 20/03/201615:30-16:30Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond Safra Campus
Game Theory & Math Economics: Abraham Neyman (HUJI) - "Additive valuations of streams of payoffs that obey the time-value of money principle: Characterization and robust optimization" Sun, 01/11/201516:00-17:00Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond Safra Campus
Game Theory & Math Economics: Talia Einhorn (Tel Aviv University & Ariel University) - "Israel's Legal Infrastructure – walking on thin ice" Sun, 15/05/201616:00-17:00Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond Safra Campus
Game theory & economics: Sergiu Hart (HUJI), "Calibrated Forecasts, Leaks, and Game Equilibria (joint work with Dean P. Foster)" Sun, 22/11/201515:30-16:30Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond Safra Campus
NT&AG: Shachar Carmeli (Weizmann Institute), "Higher Etale Obstructions for Quadratic Forms" Mon, 29/01/201814:00-15:00Location: Room 70A, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel
Analysis Seminar: T. Umeda "Space-time estimates for strongly propagative systems: From Maxwell to Dirac equations" Wed, 24/01/201812:00-13:00Location: Room 70, Ross building
Jerusalem Analysis Seminar - Avner Kiro (TAU) "On Taylor coefficients of smooth functions." Wed, 17/01/201812:00-13:00
T&G: Michael Farber (IIAS), Robot motion planning and Bredon equivariant cohomology Tue, 05/12/201712:00-13:30Location: Room 70A, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel