Analysis Seminar: Moshe Goldberg (Technion) "Extending the Spectral Radius to Finite-Dimensional Power-Associative Algebras" | Einstein Institute of Mathematics

Analysis Seminar: Moshe Goldberg (Technion) "Extending the Spectral Radius to Finite-Dimensional Power-Associative Algebras"

Wed, 18/12/201912:00-13:00
Ross 70

Title: Extending the Spectral Radius to Finite-Dimensional Power-Associative Algebras
Abstract: The purpose of this talk is to introduce a new concept, the \textit{radius} of elements in arbitrary finite-dimensional power-associative algebras over the field of real or complex numbers. It is an extension of the well known notion of the spectral radius.
As examples, we shall discuss this new radius in the setting of matrix algebras, where it indeed reduces to the spectral radius, and then in the Cayley-Dickson algebras, where it is something quite different.
We shall also describe two applications of this new concept, which are related, respectively, to the Gelfand formula, and to the stability of norms and subnorms.