T&G: Amitai Yuval (Hebrew University), The Hodge decomposition theorem for manifolds with boundary | Einstein Institute of Mathematics

T&G: Amitai Yuval (Hebrew University), The Hodge decomposition theorem for manifolds with boundary

Tue, 08/05/201812:00-13:30
Room 110, Manchester Buildling, Jerusalem, Israel
The Hodge decomposition theorem is the climax of a beautiful theory involving geometry, analysis and topology, which has far-reaching implications in various fields. I will present the Hodge decomposition in compact Riemannian manifolds, with or without boundary. The non-empty-boundary case is more interesting, as it requires the formulation of an appropriate boundary condition. As it turns out, the Hodge-Laplacian has two different elliptic boundary conditions generalizing the classical Dirichlet and Neumann conditions, respectively. Accordingly, there are two different decomposition theorems for manifolds with boundary, each of which corresponds to a different cohomology theory.
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