T&G: Yoel Groman (Hebrew University), Locality of relative symplectic cohomology for complete embeddings

Tue, 08/03/202218:00-19:00
Ross building, Room 70
Floer theory is the main tool for translating symplectic topology into algebra. However, it is impossible to compute it from the definition. A promising approach that has been rapidly developing in recent years is that of relative Floer cohomology associated with compact sets inside symplectic manifolds which are either closed or geometrically bounded. I will discuss this and present a theorem joint with U. Varolgunes (arxiv//2110.08891) on a locality property enjoyed by relative symplectic cohomology when the ambient manifold is geometrically bounded and symplectically embedded inside another geometrically bounded manifold. Among the examples where this is relevant are the local models for singularities in SYZ mirror symmetry and the log Calabi-Yau varieties which admit toric models. The latter have been the subject of intense research culminating in the work of Kontsevich-Gross-Hacking-Keel on canonical bases for cluster algebras. The talk will assume only the most rudimentary knowledge of symplectic topology.