Gordon: Menny Aka (ETH Zurich) - Effective Disjointness and Joint Equidistribution

Tue, 31/12/202414:00
on zoom in Eilat Hall, Feldman Building (IIAS)


Speaker: Menny Aka (ETH Zurich) 

Title: Effective Disjointness and Joint Equidistribution


Ergodic systems are disjoint from trivial systems, meaning the only possible joining between such systems is the trivial one. In this talk, I will present an effective version of this result for homogeneous systems, which has surprisingly a wide range of applications. I will focus particularly on one such application: the joint equidistribution of values of monomials evaluated at complex multiplication (CM) points on the modular surface. Along the way, I will outline a proof this effective disjointness result and its implications.

link: https://huji.zoom.us/j/81711407059?pwd=PemObwObz9kURRN2tl4tP2hECaKPG8.1