The Gordon Memorial Lectures Series consists of three lectures on an advanced topic given as part of The Mark Gordon Distinguished Visiting Professorship in Mathematics.
The Joram Seminar is a learning seminar intended to present a hot mathematical topic at a technical level to the wider mathematical community, with an emphasis on younger mathematicians. The seminar is in memory of Prof. Joram Lindenstrauss (1936-2012).
The Landau Lecture Series is a series of three lectures by a distinguished mathematician on the subject of his choice. It is usually suggested that one lecture be accessible to the university scientific community at large and the additional two lectures may be more specialized and of interest only to professional mathematicians and specialists. The lecture series is in memory of Prof. Edmund Landau (1877-1938).
The Erdős Lectures in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science. The lecture series is in memory of Prof. Paul Erdős (1913-1996).
The Alexander Zabrodsky Memorial Lectures review recent developments in the fields of geometry and topology. The lecture series is in memory of Prof. Alexander Zabrodsky (1936-1986).
The Dvoretzky Lectures consist of two lectures on a central topic in mathematics. The first is encouraged to be accessible to the university scientific community at large (colloquium-style) and the additional lecture may be more specialized and of interest to professional mathematicians and specialists. The lecture series is in memory of Prof. Aryeh Dvoretzky (1916-2008).