Speaker: Miles Simon (University of Magdeburg)
Title: Initial stability estimates for Ricci flow and three dimensional Ricci-pinched manifolds
(Joint work with Alix Deruelle and Felix Schulze)
In this talk we examine the Ricci flow of initial metric spaces which are Reifenberg and locally bi-Lipschitz to Euclidean space. We show that any two solutions starting from such an initial metric space, whose Ricci curvatures are uniformly bounded from below and whose curvatures are bounded by $c\cdot t^{-1}$, are exponentially in time close to one another in the appropriate gauge.
As an application, we show that smooth three dimensional,
complete, uniformly Ricci-pinched Riemannian manifolds with bounded curvature are either compact or flat, thus confirming a conjecture of Hamilton and Lott.
Zoom link: https://huji.zoom.us/j/88091075385?pwd=Q2IxRDBiYVY5Z2dFSEMvNjRMcWdYZz09