Amitsur Algebra: Lev Glebsky, " Almost Congruence Extension Property for subgroups of free groups"

Thu, 02/03/201712:00-13:00
Manchester Building, Room 209
Title: Almost Congruence Extension Property for subgroups of free groups.
The talk essentially based on:
Let G be a group and H every normal subgroup N of H is an intersection of some normal subgroup of G with H. The CEP appears in group theory in different context.
The following question seems to be very difficult:
Which finitely generated subgroup of a free group has CEP?
D. Osin considers the weaker property -- the almost congruence extension property (ACEP). In the talk I define and
discuss ACEP and almost answer the question:
Which finitely generated subgroup of a free group has ACEP?
Also I plan to present several examples of subgroups to illustrate results and open problems.