Thu, 24/06/202112:00-13:00
Rashel auditorium, Silberman building Givat Ram, Jerusalem
Where: Silberman building, Rashel Auditorium
Live broadcast link:
Title: Hilbert Schmidt stability and Characters on amenable groups
Abstract: Consider the following classical question: Given two almost commuting matrices, are they necessarily close to a pair of commuting matrices? The first goal of this lecture is to recast this question in terms of a lifting property for groups, called stability. We will introduce this notion which has gained interest in recent years, and use it to give a positive answer to the above question in the setting of the normalized Hilbert Schmidt distance. On the way we will relate stability of an amenable group to a finite-dimensional approximation property of characters on it.
This talk is based on the masters thesis of the speaker and works of Tatiana Shulman and Don Hadwin.
Live broadcast link:
Title: Hilbert Schmidt stability and Characters on amenable groups
Abstract: Consider the following classical question: Given two almost commuting matrices, are they necessarily close to a pair of commuting matrices? The first goal of this lecture is to recast this question in terms of a lifting property for groups, called stability. We will introduce this notion which has gained interest in recent years, and use it to give a positive answer to the above question in the setting of the normalized Hilbert Schmidt distance. On the way we will relate stability of an amenable group to a finite-dimensional approximation property of characters on it.
This talk is based on the masters thesis of the speaker and works of Tatiana Shulman and Don Hadwin.