Amitsur Seminar: Alon Romano (HUJI)

Thu, 07/07/202210:00-11:00
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Speaker: Alon Romano (HUJI)
Title: On the identity f(x)=x^n in associative algebras.
Where: Ross 70, Givat Ram campus
When: 11:00-12:00, July 7
ZOOM link
What can be said about an associative (non-unitary) algebra A, satisfying the identity x^n=0 for every x in A? A famous (yet surprising!) theorem from Nagata and Higman (1956) states that there exists N=N(n) such that A^N=0. However, the exact value of N is an open problem for every n>4.
 During this talk, we will present some new results relating to this problem, as well as show how representation theory of the symmetric group S_n can be used to reduce some calculations, suggesting a new horizon for attacking the original problem.