Wed, 19/06/201912:00-13:00
Ross 70
Title: Mesoscopic universality for orthogonal polynomial ensembles on the unit circle
Abstract: Orthogonal polynomial ensembles (OPE) on the unit circle are a certain class of point processes that arise naturally in random matrix theory and statistical mechanics. One special case of such a process is the extensively studied Circular Unitary Ensemble. In this talk we discuss the connection between OPE's and orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle. In particular, we show that in order to study asymptotics of the mesoscopic fluctuations of the empirical measure it is sufficient to understand the asymptotics of the associated recurrence coefficients. This is joint work with J. Breuer.
Abstract: Orthogonal polynomial ensembles (OPE) on the unit circle are a certain class of point processes that arise naturally in random matrix theory and statistical mechanics. One special case of such a process is the extensively studied Circular Unitary Ensemble. In this talk we discuss the connection between OPE's and orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle. In particular, we show that in order to study asymptotics of the mesoscopic fluctuations of the empirical measure it is sufficient to understand the asymptotics of the associated recurrence coefficients. This is joint work with J. Breuer.