Analysis Seminar: Itay Londner (UBC) "Interpolation sets and arithmetic progressions"

Wed, 20/02/201912:00-13:00
Ross 70
Title: Interpolation sets and arithmetic progressions
Abstract: Given a set S of positive measure on the unit circle, a set of integers K is an interpolation set (IS) for S if for any data {c(k)} in l^2(K) there exists a function f in L^2(S) such that its Fourier coefficients satisfy f^(k)=c(k) for all k in K.
In the talk I will discuss the relationship between the concept of IS and the existence arithmetic structure in the set K, I will focus primarily on the case where K contains arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions with specified lengths and step sizes.
Multidimensional analogue and recent developments on this subject will also be considered.
Based on joint work with Alexander Olevskii.