Analysis Seminar: Victor Ivrii (Toronto) "Complete Spectral Asymptotics for Periodic and Almost Periodic Perturbations of Constant Coefficients Operators and Bethe-Sommerfeld Conjecture in Semiclassical Settings"

Wed, 03/06/202012:00-13:00
Ross 70

Complete Spectral Asymptotics for Periodic and Almost Periodic Perturbations of Constant Coefficients Operators and Bethe-Sommerfeld Conjecture in Semiclassical Settings

Under certain assumptions, we derive a complete semiclassical asymptotics of aspectral function of the constant coecient scalar operator perturbed by almostperiodic smaller operator. In particular, a com-
plete semiclassical asymptotics of the integrated density of states also holds.

Bethe-Sommerfeld conjecture in semiclassical settings holds under similarassumptions for periodic perturbations.