Barak Weiss (TAU): New examples for the horocycle flow on the moduli space of translation surfaces | Einstein Institute of Mathematics

Barak Weiss (TAU): New examples for the horocycle flow on the moduli space of translation surfaces

Tue, 22/05/201814:15-15:15
A longstanding open question concerning the horocycle flow on moduli space of translation surfaces, is whether one can classify the invariant measures and orbit-closures for this action. Related far-reaching results of Eskin, Mirzakhani and Mohammadi indicated that the answer might be positive. However, in recent work with Jon Chaika and John Smillie, we find unexpected examples of orbit-closures; e.g. orbit closures which are not generic for any measure, and others which have fractional Hausdorff dimension. Such examples exist even in genus 2.