Mon, 16/04/201811:00-12:30
IIAS, room 130, Feldman Building, Givat Ram
Speaker: Imre Leader, Cambridge
Title: Decomposing the Complete r-Graph
The Graham-Pollak theorem states that to decompose the complete graph K_n into complete bipartite subgraphs we need at least n−1 of them. What happens for hypergraphs? In other words, suppose that we wish to decompose the complete r-graph on n vertices into complete r-partite r-graphs; how many do we need?
In this talk we will report on recent progress on this problem.
This is joint work with Luka Milicevic and Ta Sheng Tan.
Title: Decomposing the Complete r-Graph
The Graham-Pollak theorem states that to decompose the complete graph K_n into complete bipartite subgraphs we need at least n−1 of them. What happens for hypergraphs? In other words, suppose that we wish to decompose the complete r-graph on n vertices into complete r-partite r-graphs; how many do we need?
In this talk we will report on recent progress on this problem.
This is joint work with Luka Milicevic and Ta Sheng Tan.