Combinatorics: Shoham Letzter (UCL)

Mon, 04/01/202111:00-13:00

HUJI Combinatorics Seminar 

When: Monday Jan 4th, 2021, at 11AM

Zoom link:

Speaker: Shoham Letzter (UCL)
Title: The Size-Ramsey number of powers of tight paths

The s-colour size-Ramsey number of a hypergraph H is the minimum number of edges in a hypergraph G whose every s-edge-colouring contains a monochromatic copy of H. We show that for every s, r, l, the s-colour size-Ramsey number of the l-th power of a tight r-uniform path on n vertices is O(n), answering a question of Dudek, La Fleur, Mubayi, and Rödl.

This is joint work with Alexey Pokrovskiy and Liana Yepremyan.