Tue, 22/11/201614:00-15:00
Bet Belgia Library, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Teichmüller flow acts as a renormalization operator for interval
exchange transformations. For this reason its properties give some insight
about the dynamics of rational billiards. For example Lyapunov exponents of
the Teichmüller flow are tightly related to equidistribution speed in
rational billiards. Since the mid 90's M. Kontsevich and A. Zorich started
computations of these exponents.
After giving some motivating examples for the computation of these exponents
and a brief overview of 30 years of intensive research (including works of
A. Avila, A. Eskin, G. Forni, C. McMullen, M. Mirzakhani, W. Veech, A.
Zorich, ...), I will show some details of the implementation of such
computation in the package "surface_dynamics" inside SageMath.
exchange transformations. For this reason its properties give some insight
about the dynamics of rational billiards. For example Lyapunov exponents of
the Teichmüller flow are tightly related to equidistribution speed in
rational billiards. Since the mid 90's M. Kontsevich and A. Zorich started
computations of these exponents.
After giving some motivating examples for the computation of these exponents
and a brief overview of 30 years of intensive research (including works of
A. Avila, A. Eskin, G. Forni, C. McMullen, M. Mirzakhani, W. Veech, A.
Zorich, ...), I will show some details of the implementation of such
computation in the package "surface_dynamics" inside SageMath.