Thu, 08/12/202210:00-11:00
Ross 70
Title: Modular laminations and compactness
Abstract: In one hour I will attempt to talk about the following:
-Sullivan’s dictionary between Kleinian groups and rational maps
-The idea of a modular lamination and how it represents the limits of a degenerating sequence of rational maps (or Kleinian groups)
-The analogue in rational maps of Thurston’s theorem on the compactness of AH(M) when M is acylindrical, and how it can be proven using modular laminations.
Abstract: In one hour I will attempt to talk about the following:
-Sullivan’s dictionary between Kleinian groups and rational maps
-The idea of a modular lamination and how it represents the limits of a degenerating sequence of rational maps (or Kleinian groups)
-The analogue in rational maps of Thurston’s theorem on the compactness of AH(M) when M is acylindrical, and how it can be proven using modular laminations.