Groups & Dynamics Seminar: Barak Ohana (HUJI)

Thu, 21/11/202410:00-11:00
Ross 70

Groups and dynamics seminar

Time: Thursday, 21/11, 10AM
Place: Ross 70

Speaker: Barak Ohana (HUJI)

Title: Equation over Hierarchically Hyperbolic Groups


Given a group Γ, we will discuss properties of systems of equations over Γ. More specifically, a group Γ is called Equationally Noetherian if every set of equations is equivalent to a finite subset of it. We will present this notion and discuss its connection to geometric properties of Γ, namely, hyperbolic structures on which Γ acts.
We will present a new result which shows that if Γ is strictly acylindrical colorable hierarchically hyperbolic group (notions that will be discussed in the lecture), then it is equationally noetherian.