HD-Combinatorics Special Day: Recent Advances in Combinatorial Design Theory (organized by Zur Luria)

Mon, 19/03/2018
Eilat Hall, Feldman Building, Givat Ram
The past several years have seen explosive developments in combinatorial design theory. 
In 2014 Peter Keevash shocked the combinatorics world when he solved the existence question 
for designs. This astounding result quickly found applications in the field of high-dimensional expanders 
and the analysis of random designs. More recently, Glock, Kuhn, Lo and Osthus gave another proof 
of the existence of designs, and Keevash adapted his methods to a host of new objects, such as 
decompositions of designs into designs and high dimensional permutations.
In this special day, we will not present Keevash's proof in detail. Instead, our goal is to present some of
the tools involved in the proofs of these results, and give several examples of applications for these methods. 
Day Title: Recent advances in combinatorial design theory

10:00 - 11:00: Roman Glebov, Introduction to combinatorial design theory and recent breakthrough results

11:30 - 12:30Yuval PeledThe differential equation method and the triangle removal process

14:00 - 14:45:  Zur LuriaHow to construct high dimensional expanders from Keevash's designs

15:00 - 15:45:  Michael Simkin, Methods for analyzing typical designs