HUJI NT Seminar - Zev Rosengarten (HUJI)

Mon, 22/05/202314:30-16:00
Ross 70 and Zoom
Zoom link

Meeting ID: 847 2120 3396
Passcode: 189975

Link to recordings:


Title: Asymptotically Universal Unipotent Groups

Abstract: We will introduce in turn several problems concerning algebraic groups over imperfect fields. We will then introduce a class of unipotent groups which is the key ingredient for solving all of them: asymptotically universal unipotent groups. These groups exhibit two properties which in combination render them immensely useful in the study of algebraic groups. The first, "genericity," says that arbitrary (commutative p-torsion) wound unipotent groups may be realized as subgroups of such groups (so they are in that sense generic). The second, more surprising property, "rigidity," says that such groups exhibit a remarkable rigidity in how they are built up. These two properties in conjunction reduce many problems about unipotent groups to certain very special cases.