Sun, 05/11/202314:00-16:00
Ross 70A
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Boris Feigin "Introduction to vertex algebras" (course 80818).
Tentative plan.
1.Main notions: Simplest vertex algebra - lattice vertex algebra. In this case it is not hard to describe what is this and how to calculate coinvariants, modular functor, Verlinde algebra, graded coinvariants and some other things. Virasoro algebra also appears naturally. Something will be discussed about the q- deform version of lattice algebras.
2. Subalgebras in the lattice algebras. W - algebras .Ideology of screenings. Deformation (elliptic) of screenings and q- characters. Local systems and conformal blocks.
3.Minimal models for affine algebras and W- algebras and some interesting generalizations. Combinatorics and fermionic type formulas for the characters. Rodger- Ramanujan type identities.
4.Vertex algebras and integrable systems. We will see how vertex algebras give the language to deal with integrable systems.
Prerequisites: basic facts from representation theory, few facts about semi-simple Lie algebras and affine algebras, simple algebraic geometry.