Sun, 23/03/202511:00-13:00
Ross 70
Title: The Emerton-Gee stack.
Abstract: In the last decades it has become evident that the study of algebraic families of Galois representation is very useful to various problems in number theory.
The goal of this course is to describe the Emerton-Gee stack, which is a moduli space of $p$-adic representations of a local Galois group. We shall aim to describe some of the classical material before going into the stack, its structure and properties, as well as the motivation for its construction. We shall explain some applications, like the problem of finding crystalline lifts of a Galois representation.
If time permits, we shall describe the conjectural picture regarding the stack in the setting of the Langlands program for GL_2(Q_p), and the relation between the analytic and Banach theory in this setting.
M. Emerton, T. Gee: Moduli stacks of e'tale (\Phi, \Gamma)-modules and the existence of crystalline lifts, Princeton University Press (2022).
M. Emerton, T. Gee, E. Hellman: An introduction to the categorical $p$-adic Langlands program, IHES notes.
M. Emerton, T. Gee: Moduli stacks of e'tale (\Phi, \Gamma)-modules, a survey (lectured delivered in Bonn, to be found on Emerton's home page)
Tentative plan:
1) We plan to give a lengthy introduction (at least two meetings, maybe 3) formulating the main results, talking about motivation, and working out rank 1 and 2 examples.
2) Once we start sketching the constructions, we shall give background on
(a) (phi-gamma) modules and Galois representations
(b) stacks in general.
On (a) we shall give all the definitions, examples and main theorems, but no proofs. One of us gave a Kazhdan seminar just on (a) with full details 7 years ago. Of course, we do not expect people to know it, so we shall review the topic. How much to devote to generalities on (b) (stacks) depends on the demand from the audience. Right now we plan one lecture as a crash course on the topic.
3) Next comes the construction of the Emerton-Gee stacks, based on (a) and (b). This is the technical heart, and takes hundreds of pages in their 2 papers. We shall only give the main ideas, some borrowed from Pappas-Rapoport.
4) We shall then switch to the crystalline stacks (another 3 weeks?), which are needed both to complete the main theorems on the original stacks, and for the first application, the crystalline lifting theorem. For these we shall review p-adic Hodge theory (only for crystalline representations, the semistable ones we shall leave behind, and their treatment is anyhow similar).
5) Perhaps the most interesting applications are to the Breuil-Mezard conjecture and to categorical p-adic local Langlands (still largely conjectural). We hope to devote the last 3 weeks to these topics.
Prerequisites: familiarity with stacks will be helpful. Possible references:
- Vistoli's notes ( are considered by many among the best sources,
- Gomez' notes (
are only 34 pages long, but very useful, especially for algebraic (Artin) stacks.
- A book by Martin Olsson (, which is much longer but covers much more material.
are only 34 pages long, but very useful, especially for algebraic (Artin) stacks.
- A book by Martin Olsson (, which is much longer but covers much more material.