KU-Jerusalem Lunch Seminar: Paul Duncan (HUJI)- Homological Percolation

Thu, 05/01/202313:00-14:00
Levy 6 Hall and Zoom
Location: Levy 6 hall and Zoom

 Zoom Link: https://huji.zoom.us/j/84511564169?pwd=SkJmY285YnFIWkZqNmxuaVZsVVQ2UT09

Meeting ID: 845 1156 4169

Passcode:    171220

Title: Homological Percolation

Abstract: Classical percolation theory studies the properties of an infinite graph as parts of it are removed at random. In a large class of graphs, this process undergoes a phase transition at which an infinite component suddenly appears. Bobrowski and Skraba recently introduced homological percolation as a higher dimensional analogue of this phenomenon for subsets of a compact ambient space. We demonstrate a phase transition for the appearance of "giant cycles" in a large torus for two cell complex models that generalize the well-studied bond and site percolation models respectively. We will not assume any background in percolation theory.
This is based on joint work with Matt Kahle and Ben Schweinhart.