Lecture 1: Branching random walks, Gaussian free fields and thick points: second moments

Thu, 31/03/201114:00
Prof. Ofer Zeitouni, Weizmann Institute of Science and the University of Minnesota
The distribution of the location of the rightmost particle of branching Brownian motions in dimension 1 is described by the Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piscounov equation. Bramson's work (1982) showed that probabilistic methods, and specifically a variant of the second moment method, are extremely effective in analyzing the solution. Recently, a surprising link between branching Brownian motions and the behavior of the maximum of certain Gaussian fields has been established, shedding light on the fluctuations of the maximum. I will describe this common thread in a discrete setup, starting with one of Dvoretzky's favorite objects: multiple points for Brownian motion.