Logic Seminar - Alexis Chevalier

Wed, 06/04/202211:00-13:00
Via zoom: Meeting ID: 891 8649 9242 , Passcode: 360371

Title: Piecewise Interpretable Hilbert Spaces

Abstract: We introduce piecewise interpretable Hilbert spaces and show their relevance to model theory and representation theory. Piecewise interpretable Hilbert spaces are direct limits of imaginary sorts of a continuous logic structure which carry definable Hilbert space operations.   We will show that they offer an interesting unified framework for studying definable measures and Shelah-Galois groups, and that they offer an interesting point of contact between model theory and the theory of unitary group representations. We will briefly discuss a structure theorem for scattered piecewise interpretable Hilbert spaces and we will explain various applications of this theorem. This is joint work with Ehud Hrushovski.