Logic Seminar - Assaf Hasson

Wed, 08/05/202411:15-13:15
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Title: The proof of Zilber's Trichotomy for ACF (via ACVF)

Abstract: I will survey the recent solution of Zilber's Restricted Trichotomy for ACF. The conjecture states that, given an algebraically closed field K, the reduct of the K-induced structure on a constructible set M is either 1-based, or interprets a copy of K. In characteristic 0 the conjecture was proved a couple of years ago by Castle. In a recent joint work with Castle and Ye we extend Castle's methods to ACVF (in all characteristics) to obtain a version of the conjecture in ACVF (and consequently in ACF in all characteristics). In the talk I will survey the proof strategy and present the axiomatic framework developed in the course of the work for tackling similar problems in other settings.