Title:Cubic Fourfolds: Rationality and Derived Categories
Abstract: The question of determining if a given algebraic variety is rationalis a notoriously difficult problem in algebraic geometry, and attempts to solverationality problems have often produced powerful new techniques. Awell-known open rationality problem is the determination of a criterion forwhen a cubic hypersurface of five-dimensional projective space is rational. After discussing the history of this problem, I will introduce the twoconjectural rationality criteria that have been put forth and then discuss apackage of tools I have developed with my collaborators to bring these twoconjectures together. Our theory of Relative Bridgeland Stability has anumber of other beautiful consequences such as a new proof of the integralHodge Conjecture for Cubic Fourfolds and the construction of full-dimensionalfamilies of projective HyperKahler manifolds. Time permitting I’lldiscuss applications of the theory of relative stability conditions to problemsother than cubic fourfolds.
NT Seminar - Howard Nuer
Mon, 02/12/201914:30-15:30
Ross 70