NT&AG: Michael Temkin (Hebrew University), "Topological transcendence degree"

Mon, 05/12/201614:00-15:00
Abstract: my talk will be devoted to a basic theory of extensions of
complete real-valued fields L/K. Naturally, one says that L is
topologically-algebraically generated over K by a subset S if L lies
in the completion of the algebraic closure of K(S). One can then define
topological analogues of algebraic independence, transcendence degree, etc.
These notions behave much more wierd than their algebraic analogues. For example,
there exist non-invertible continuous K-endomorphisms of the completed
algebraic closure of K(x). In my talk, I will tell which part
of the algebraic theory of transcendental extensions extends
to the topological setting, and which part breaks down.
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