NT&AG Seminar: Amnon Besser (BGU)

Mon, 08/07/202414:30-15:30
Ross 70

Title: Local contributions to Quadratic Chabauty functions

Abstract: Quadratic Chabauty is a p-adic technique for finding rational points on curves over the rationals (and other number fields)  that works in certain situations. It involves a  function, the Quadratic Chabauty function,  which has local components at all primes. At primes away from p it takes a finite number of possible values and computing these values is one of the bigger challenges of the method. I will explain the method and report on two works in progress that address this problem, one with Mueller and Srinivasan that uses the derivative of Vologodsky functions with respect to log(p),  and one with Adzaga, Keller and Padurariu about computations on modular curves.

Zoom: https://huji.zoom.us/j/84202575300?pwd=QXBvNjV0bDBWUmwxVkFIYXpzQ29RQT09