PDE & Analysis: Mark Ruselson (UMichigan) - No-gaps delocalization for general random matrices. | Einstein Institute of Mathematics

PDE & Analysis: Mark Ruselson (UMichigan) - No-gaps delocalization for general random matrices.

Thu, 31/03/201613:00-14:30
Ross 70
Title: No-gaps delocalization for general random matrices.
Heuristically, delocalization for a random matrix means that its normalized eigenvectors look like the vectors uniformly distributed over the unit sphere. This can be made precise in a number of different ways. We show that with high probability, any sufficiently large set of coordinates of an eigenvector carries a non-negligible portion of its Euclidean norm. Our results pertain to a large class of random matrices including matrices with independent entries, symmetric, skew-symmetric matrices, as well as more general ensembles.
Joint work with Roman Vershynin.