Set Theory Seminar: George Peterzil (HUJI) - On cofinal families of finite sets with finite VC dimension | Einstein Institute of Mathematics

Set Theory Seminar: George Peterzil (HUJI) - On cofinal families of finite sets with finite VC dimension

Wed, 05/07/202313:00-15:00
Ross 70

Abstract: The notion of VC dimension, as appeared first in machine learning and later made its way to model theory, is a measure of complexity for families of subsets of a set X. In the upcoming series of talks, I will first give a detailed introduction to this notion, motivated by examples appearing throughout mathematics, and describe the model-theoretic significance of this notion. Later, I will discuss a paper of Bays, Ben-Neria, Kaplan and Simon, in which they prove a general result on so-called "NIP" first-order theories, namely, theories in which all definable families have finite VC-dimension. Finally, I will prove a result on the existence of cofinal families of finite subsets of aleph_n with finite VC dimension, answering a question which appeared in their paper, and discuss generalizations to other infinite cardinals.

This work is part of my Master's thesis, and is joint with Omer Ben-Neria and Itay Kaplan.


George's talk will also be broadcasted on Zoom via the following link:

Meeting ID: 813 4348 3264
Passcode: 157589