T&G: Peter Topping (Warwick), Smoothing with Ricci flow | Einstein Institute of Mathematics

T&G: Peter Topping (Warwick), Smoothing with Ricci flow

Tue, 23/11/202118:00-19:00
Ricci flow is well-known as being extremely useful for evolving smooth closed Riemannian manifolds into very special limit manifolds (e.g. of constant curvature). This ability makes it very useful in applications. But Ricci flow is now being brought to bear on a more diverse set of problems in which one must work on open manifolds, and/or start with rough initial data. I will survey some of the theory from the last few years, and particularly from this year, and explain some of the applications and/or some of the analysis involved. I intend to aim the talk to a general geometry audience and not assume any knowledge of Ricci flow.