Tue, 02/04/201914:15-15:15
Ross 70
Abstract: We answer the following questions:
1. Consider a Borel set $X \subset \R^N$ equipped with a probability measure $\mu$. For fixed $k 2. Can one prove a probabilistic version of Takens delay-embedding theorem with less observations?
3. Is metric mean dimension related to analog compression?
Based on joint works with Krzysztof Barański and Adam Śpiewak.
1. Consider a Borel set $X \subset \R^N$ equipped with a probability measure $\mu$. For fixed $k 2. Can one prove a probabilistic version of Takens delay-embedding theorem with less observations?
3. Is metric mean dimension related to analog compression?
Based on joint works with Krzysztof Barański and Adam Śpiewak.