Yotam Smilansky (HUJI), Multiscale substitution schemes and Kakutani sequences of partitions.

Tue, 01/01/201914:15-15:15
Ross 70

Abstract: Substitution schemes provide a classical method for constructing tilings
of Euclidean space. Allowing multiple scales in the scheme, we introduce
a rich family of sequences of tile partitions generated by the substitution
rule, which include the sequence of partitions of the unit interval
considered by Kakutani as a special case. In this talk we will use new path counting
results for directed weighted graphs to show that such sequences
of partitions are uniformly distributed, thus extending Kakutani's
original result. Furthermore, we will describe certain limiting frequencies
associated with sequences of partitions, which relate to the distribution
of tiles of a given type and the volume they occupy.