Dvoretzky Lecture 2: Alexei Borodin (MIT) - "Fourier-like Bases and Integrable Probability" Sun, 06/05/201810:00-11:00Location: Ross 63
Special talk: Yonatan Harpaz (Paris 13) - "Small extensions in algebra and topology" Thu, 12/04/201813:15-14:15Location: Ross 70
The Einstein Institute International Undergraduate Workshop Tue, 02/10/2018 to Thu, 11/10/2018Location: The Einstein Institute of Mathemtics, Jerusalem
Groups, Geometry and Representations @ Oxford: Celebrating Dan Segal and Aner Shalev Mon, 03/09/2018 to Fri, 07/09/2018Location: The Mathematical Institute, Oxford
Geometric, Topological and Computational Aspects of High-Dimensional Combinatorics Sun, 22/04/2018 to Thu, 26/04/2018Location: Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2-Day Meeting on Infinite Ergodic Theory & Related Fields Tue, 13/02/2018 10:00 to Wed, 14/02/2018 17:00Location: Hebrew University
Eshnav: Eliyahu Rips - "Groups, generators and geometry" Wed, 08/06/201618:00-19:00Location: Math 2 (Manchester building)
Eshnav: Mike Hochman - "The Isoperimetric Inequality" Wed, 13/01/201618:00-19:00Location: Math 2 (Manchester building)
Eshnav: Raz Kupferman - "Geometry and elasticity: from torn nylon to carnivorous plants" Wed, 02/12/201518:00-19:00Location: Math 2 (Manchester building)
Eshnav: Karim Adiprasito (HUJI) "Combinatorial geometry" Wed, 11/11/201518:00-19:00Location: Math 2 (Manchester building)
Eshnav: Matanya Ben-Artzi - "On the zero set of a function" Wed, 16/03/201618:00-19:00Location: Math 2 (Manchester building)
Eshnav: Dorit Aharonov - "The revolution of quantum information" Wed, 23/12/201518:00-19:00Location: Math 2 (Manchester building)