Logic seminar - Enrique Casanovas, "Subsets of the monster model and geometric theories" Wed, 25/01/201716:00-18:00Location: Ross 70
Logic Seminar - Daniel Palacin - "On definable Bohr compactifications of ultraproducts of finite groups" Wed, 20/06/201811:00-13:00Location: Ross 63
Logic seminar- Shimon Garti, "Forcing axioms and saturated ideals" Wed, 19/04/201716:00-18:00Location: Ross 70
Logic Seminar - Alex Lubotzky - "First order rigidity of high-rank arithmetic groups" Wed, 10/01/201811:00-13:00Location: Ross 63
Logic seminar - Omer Mermelstein - "Template structures for the class of Hrushovski ab initio geometries" Wed, 13/12/201711:00-13:00Location: Math 209
Special logic seminar - Elad Levi "Algebraic regularity lemma for hypergraphs" Mon, 19/12/201610:00-12:00Location: Sprinzak 101
Logic Seminar- Itai Ben Yaacov - "Reconstruction for non-aleph0-categorical theories?" Wed, 08/11/201711:00-13:00Location: Math 209
Logic seminar - Andrés Villaveces, "Around non-elementary dependence" Wed, 26/07/201714:00-16:00Location: Ross 70
Logic Seminar - Daoud Siniora - "Automorphism groups of homogeneous structures" Wed, 06/12/201711:00-13:00Location: Math 209
Logic Seminar - Yair Hayut - "Chang's Conjecture at many cardinals simultaneously" Wed, 22/11/201711:00-13:00Location: Math 209
Special logic seminar - Itaï BEN YAACOV, "Baby version of the asymptotic volume estimate" Tue, 27/12/201610:00-12:00Location: Shprinzak 102
Logic Seminar - Omer Ben-Neria - "Singular Stationarity and Set Theoretic Generalizations of Algebras" Wed, 27/12/201711:00-13:00Location: Ross 63
Logic Seminar - Immanuel BenPorat - "Cardinal conditions for strong Fubini theorems" Wed, 01/11/201711:00-13:00Location: Math209
Special logic seminar - Noa Lavi, "Independent chapters in dependent theories" Mon, 10/07/201711:00-13:00Location: Ross 70