T&G: Ben Gammage (Harvard and Miami), Mirror symmetry and Hitchin systems Tue, 07/01/202013:00-14:30Location: Room 209, Manchester Building, Jerusalem
T&G: Yanir Rubinstein (UMD/WIS), What is the small angle limit of a teardrop? Tue, 17/12/201913:00-14:30Location: Room 209, Manchester Building, Jerusalem
T&G: Dror Bar-Natan (Toronto), Some Feynman Diagrams in Pure Algebra Tue, 31/12/201913:00-14:30Location: Room 209, Manchester Building, Jerusalem, Israel
T&G: Andrei Caldararu (UW Madison), A survey of categorical enumerative invariants Tue, 05/11/201913:00-14:30Location: Room 209, Manchester Building, Jerusalem
T&G: Mikhail Gromov (IHES and Courant), Scalar curvature Wed, 31/07/201914:00-15:00Location: Room B221, Rothberg Building, Jerusalem
T&G: David Nadler (Berkeley), What kind of an invariant are microlocal sheaves? Tue, 21/05/201911:00-12:30Location: Room 07, Levi Building, Jerusalem, Israel
T&G: Vivek Shende (Berkeley), Quantum topology from symplectic geometry Tue, 26/03/201913:00-14:30Location: Room 110, Manchester Building, Jerusalem, Israel
T&G: John Pardon (Princeton), Structural results in wrapped Floer theory Tue, 12/03/201913:00-14:30Location: Room 110, Manchester Building, Jerusalem, Israel
T&G: Viatcheslav Kharlamov (Strasbourg), Segre indices, Welschinger weights, and an invariant signed count of real lines on real projective hypersurfaces Tue, 19/03/201913:00-14:30Location: Room 110, Manchester Building, Jerusalem, Israel
T&G: Sylvain Cappell (NYU), Atiyah-Bott classes and extending representations of fundamental groups of 3-manifolds from part of the boundary Wed, 23/01/201913:00-14:00Location: Room 70, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel
T&G: Michael Khanevsky (Technion), Geometry of sets of Hamiltonian isotopic curves in a symplectic surface Tue, 15/01/201914:00-15:30Location: Room 209, Manchester Building, Jerusalem, Israel
T&G: David Treumann (Boston College), The Fargues-Fontaine curve for symplectic geometers -- NOTE special time and location Tue, 08/01/201916:00-17:30Location: Room 70, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel
T&G: Or Hershkovits (Stanford), Mean Curvature Flow of Surfaces -- NOTE special time and location Tue, 25/12/201813:00-14:00Location: Room 70, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel
T&G: Pierrick Bousseau (ETH - ITS), Quivers and curves Tue, 04/12/201814:00-15:30Location: Room 209, Manchester Building, Jerusalem
T&G: Graham Denham (Western University), Cohomological vanishing and abelian duality Tue, 27/11/201814:00-15:30Location: Room 209, Manchester Building, Jerusalem