Gordon: Shay Sadovsky (Tel Aviv University) - "Non-traditional optimal mass transport"

Wed, 22/03/202311:30
Israel Institute of Advanced Studies, lecture hall 130


Speaker: Shay Sadovsky (Tel Aviv University)

Title: Non-traditional optimal mass transport

In the classical theory of optimal mass transport, cafes in the measure space of cafes must, given a cost function c, buy croissants from the measure space of bakeries, with lowest total cost to the cafes. This is the traditional problem of optimal transport. If the cost is allowed to attain the value infinity, this is called the non-traditional problem of optimal transport. In this talk we will go into greater detail describing this problem, and the associated non-traditional costs. We will present a proof for Rockafellar's theorem for the case of non-traditional costs, which is a main step towards finding an optimal transport map. We will show how one may apply it to the non-traditional problem of optimal transport, using a new notion of c-compatibility. Based on joint work with Shiri Artstein-Avidan and Katarzyna Wyczesany.

Zoom link: https://huji.zoom.us/j/88091075385?pwd=Q2IxRDBiYVY5Z2dFSEMvNjRMcWdYZz09