Meeting ID: 845 1156 4169
Passcode: 171220
Title: Toric Degenerations via Matching Fields
Abstract: In joint work with Fatemeh Mohammadi (KU Leuven) and Francesca Zaffalon (KU Leuven), we compute new families of toric degenerations of partial flag varieties embedded, via the Pleucker embedding, into a product of projective spaces. The toric degenerations are parameterized by so-called matching fields in the sense of Sturmfels and Zelevinsky. In this talk, I will introduce toric degenerations through the lens of Groebner degeneration and tropical geometry, along with the families of combinatorial objects that parametrize toric degenerations of Grassmannian and flag varieties. In particular, we will see that combinatorial mutations, which arise from mirror symmetry, play an important role in relating such toric degenerations.