Eshnav: Chen Margalit : Siteswap - The mathematics of juggling Wed, 15/05/201918:00-19:15Location: Manchester House, Lecture Hall 2
Special talk : Prof. Efim Zelmanov (UCSD) : Growth Functions Thu, 04/04/201912:00-13:00Location: Ross 70
Eshnav: Prof. Benjamin Weiss : What is a Sofic group? Wed, 27/03/201918:00-19:15Location: Manchester House, Lecture Hall 2
CS theory seminar: Avi Wigderson (IAS) : An invitation to Invariant Theory Wed, 26/12/201810:30-12:00Location: Rothberg (CS building) B-220
Joram Seminar: Lev Buhovski (Tel-Aviv University) - 0,01% Improvement of the Liouville property for discrete harmonic functions on Z^2. Fri, 11/01/201911:45-12:45Location: Manchester Building (Hall 2), Hebrew University Jerusalem
Joram Seminar: Larry Guth (MIT) - On the proof of decoupling II Fri, 11/01/201910:15-11:15Location: Manchester Building (Hall 2), Hebrew University Jerusalem
Joram Seminar: Larry Guth (MIT) - On the proof of decoupling I Fri, 11/01/201909:00-10:00Location: Manchester Building (Hall 2), Hebrew University Jerusalem
Eshnav: Prof. Tamar Ziegler: Surprises in large subsets Wed, 05/12/201818:45-19:30Location: Manchester House, Lecture Hall 2
Workshop on Super Strong Approximation in Groups Sun, 17/02/2019 to Thu, 21/02/2019Location: Manchester House, Room 110. Hebrew U. Edmond J. Safra Campus