Kazhdan Sunday seminar: Tomer Schlank and Shmuel Elitzur "Stable homotopy, Quantum field theories, and phases of condensed matter" (80983 in shnaton) Sun, 12/06/202214:00-16:00Location: Ross 70 + Zoom
Kazhdan Sunday seminar, Yakov Varshavsky "Geometric Langlands correspondence in the l-adic setting" (80979 in shnaton) Sun, 12/06/202212:00-14:00Location: Ross 70 + Zoom
Kazhdan Sunday seminar: Tomer Schlank and Shmuel Elitzur "Stable homotopy, Quantum field theories, and phases of condensed matter" (80983 in shnaton) Sun, 15/05/202214:00-16:00Location: Ross 70 + Zoom
Kazhdan Sunday seminar, Yakov Varshavsky "Geometric Langlands correspondence in the l-adic setting" (80979 in shnaton) Sun, 22/05/202212:00-14:00Location: Ross 70 + Zoom
Kazhdan Sunday seminar: Tomer Schlank and Shmuel Elitzur "Stable homotopy, Quantum field theories, and phases of condensed matter" (80983 in shnaton) Sun, 22/05/202214:00-16:00Location: Ross 70 + Zoom
Kazhdan Sunday seminar, Yakov Varshavsky "Geometric Langlands correspondence in the l-adic setting" (80979 in shnaton) Sun, 29/05/202212:00-14:00Location: Ross 70 + Zoom
Kazhdan Sunday seminar, Yakov Varshavsky "Geometric Langlands correspondence in the l-adic setting" (80979 in shnaton) Sun, 15/05/202212:00-14:00Location: Ross 70 + Zoom
Kazhdan Sunday seminar: Tomer Schlank and Shmuel Elitzur "Stable homotopy, Quantum field theories, and phases of condensed matter" (80983 in shnaton) Sun, 29/05/202214:00-16:00Location: Ross 70 + Zoom
Kazhdan Sunday seminar, Yakov Varshavsky "Geometric Langlands correspondence in the l-adic setting" (80979 in shnaton) Sun, 08/05/202212:00-14:00Location: Ross 70 + Zoom
Kazhdan Sunday seminar, Yakov Varshavsky "Geometric Langlands correspondence in the l-adic setting" (80979 in shnaton) Sun, 01/05/202212:00-14:00Location: Ross 70 + Zoom
Kazhdan Sunday seminar: Tomer Schlank and Shmuel Elitzur "Stable homotopy, Quantum field theories, and phases of condensed matter" (80983 in shnaton) Sun, 08/05/202214:00-16:00Location: Ross 70 + Zoom
Kazhdan Sunday seminar: Tomer Schlank and Shmuel Elitzur "Stable homotopy, Quantum field theories, and phases of condensed matter" (80983 in shnaton) Sun, 01/05/202214:00-16:00Location: Ross 70 + Zoom
Kazhdan Sunday seminar: Tomer Schlank and Shmuel Elitzur "Stable homotopy, Quantum field theories, and phases of condensed matter" (80983 in shnaton) Sun, 24/04/202214:00-16:00Location: Ross 70 + Zoom
Kazhdan Sunday seminar, Yakov Varshavsky "Geometric Langlands correspondence in the l-adic setting" (80979 in shnaton) Sun, 24/04/202212:00-14:00Location: Ross 70 + Zoom
Kazhdan Sunday seminar: Tomer Schlank and Shmuel Elitzur "Stable homotopy, Quantum field theories, and phases of condensed matter" (80983 in shnaton) Sun, 10/04/202214:00-16:00Location: Ross 70 + Zoom