NT&AG: Gal Porat (HUJI), "Induction and Restriction of $(\varphi,\Gamma)$-Modules" Mon, 25/06/201814:00-15:00Location: Room 70A, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel
NT&AG: Peng Xu (HUJI), "Supersingular representations of unramifed $U(2,1)$" Mon, 11/06/201814:00-15:00Location: Room 70A, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel
NT&AG: Hillel Firstenberg (HUJI), "Hyper-modular functions, irrationality of \zeta(3), and algebraic functions over finite fields" Mon, 04/06/201814:00-15:00Location: Room 70A, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel
NT&AG: Max Gurevich (University of Singapore), "Branching laws for non-generic representations" Mon, 28/05/201814:00-15:00Location: Room 70A, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel
NT&AG: Linda Frey (University of Basel), "Explicit Small Height Bound for Q(E_tor)" Mon, 16/04/201814:00-15:00Location: Room 70A, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel
NT&AG: Kirsten Wickelgren (Georgia Tech), "Arithmetic enrichments of curve counts" Mon, 09/04/201814:00-15:00Location: Room 70A, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel
NT&AG: Daniel Disegni (University of Paris-Sud 11), On the p-adic Bloch-Kato conjecture for Hilbert modular forms Sun, 21/01/201815:00-16:00Location: Room 70A, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel
Number theory: Jean-Baptiste Teyssier (HUJI) "Kedlaya-Mochizuki theorem and applications" Mon, 07/12/201516:00-17:15Location: Ross Building, room 70A
Number theory: Ishai Dan-Cohen (Essen), "Towards Chabauty-Kim loci for the polylogarithmic quotient over an arbitrary number field" Mon, 09/11/201516:00-17:45Location: Ross Building, room 70, Jerusalem, Israel
NT&AG: Shachar Carmeli (Weizmann Institute), "Higher Etale Obstructions for Quadratic Forms" Mon, 29/01/201814:00-15:00Location: Room 70A, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel
NT&AG: Shaul Zemel (HUJI), "Heegner Divisors on Toroidal Compactifications of Orthogonal Shimura Varieties" Mon, 22/01/201814:00-15:00Location: Room 70A, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel
NT&AG: Dmitry Vaintrob (IAS), "The log-coherent category and Hodge theory of open varieties" Mon, 15/01/201814:00-15:00Location: Room 70A, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel
NT&AG: Alexander Polischchuk (University of Oregon), "Associative Yang-Baxter equation and related 1-CY categories" Mon, 01/01/201815:00-16:00Location: Room 70A, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel
NG&AT: Zev Rosengarten (Stanford University), "Tamagawa Numbers of Linear Algebraic Groups Over Function Fields" Mon, 25/12/201714:00-15:00Location: Room 70A, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel
Number theory: Eran Asaf (HUJI) "Invariant norms in representations of GL_2(Q_p)" Thu, 02/06/201612:00-13:15Location: Hebrew University, Givat Ram, Ross Building, room 63