Number theory Repeats every week every Thursday until Wed Mar 16 2016 . Thu, 17/03/201612:00-13:15Location: Ross Building, room 70, Jerusalem, Israel
NT&AG: Hershy Kisilevsky (Concordia University), "Special Values of twists of Modular/Elliptic L-Functions" Mon, 08/01/201814:00-15:00Location: Room 70A, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel
NT&AG: Amnon Yekutieli (BGU), "The Derived Category of Sheaves of Commutative DG Rings" Mon, 12/12/201614:00-15:00Location: Ros Building, 70A
NT&AG: Nicolas Templier (Cornell University), "Mirror symmetry for minuscule flag varieties" Mon, 29/05/201714:00-15:00Location: Ros70A
Number theory: Andrey Levin (Moscow) "Kronecker double series at CM points and dilogarithm" Mon, 15/02/201614:00-15:00Location: Ross building, 70A
NT&AG: Efrat Bank (University of Michigan), "Correlation between primes in short intervals on curves over finite fields" Mon, 01/01/201814:00-15:00Location: Room 70A, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel
NT&AG: Damaris Schindler (Utrecht University), "Systems of quadratic forms" Mon, 21/11/201614:00-15:00Location: Ros Building, 70A
NT&AG: Eyal Goren (McGill University), "p-adic dynamics of Hecke operators" Mon, 27/02/201715:00-16:00Location: Ross 70A
NG&AT: Zev Rosengarten (Stanford University), "Tamagawa Numbers of Linear Algebraic Groups Over Function Fields" Mon, 25/12/201714:00-15:00Location: Room 70A, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel
Number theory: Eran Asaf (HUJI) "Invariant norms in representations of GL_2(Q_p)" Thu, 02/06/201612:00-13:15Location: Hebrew University, Givat Ram, Ross Building, room 63
NT&AG: Ehud de Shalit (HUJI), "Geometry modulo p of some unitary Shimura varieties" Mon, 02/01/201714:00-15:00Location: Ros Building, 70A
NT&AG: Michael Temkin (Hebrew University), "Topological transcendence degree" Mon, 05/12/201614:00-15:00
NT&AG: Ehud de Shalit (HUJI) "Ordinary foliations on unitary Shimura varieties" Mon, 19/06/201714:00-15:00