Analysis Seminar: Dmitry Batenkov (TAU) — Fundamental limits of sparse super-resolution
Wed, 27/10/202114:00-15:00
Analysis seminar: Philippe Charron (Technion)
Wed, 13/10/202114:00-15:00
Analysis Seminar (note the non-standard time!): Yariv Aizenbud (Yale) — Non-Parametric Estimation of Manifolds from Noisy Data
Wed, 02/06/202116:00-17:00
Analysis Seminar: Sergey Berezin (HUJI) "Gap probability for the product of Ginibre matrices in the critical regime"
Wed, 23/06/202112:00-13:00
Ross, room 70
Analysis Seminar: Manuel Friedrich (Münster) — Emergence of rigid polycrystals from atomistic systems
Wed, 07/04/202112:00-13:00
Analysis Seminar: Itai Alpern (HUJI) — Asymptotic rigidity for shells in non-Euclidean elasticity
Wed, 12/05/202112:00-13:00
Analysis Seminar: Roee Leder (HUJI) — Generalized Stress Potentials in Incompatible Elasticity
Wed, 28/04/202112:00-13:00
Analysis Seminar: Uzy Smilansky (WIS) "Multi-mode Quantum graphs - a new approach (and results) to an old problem"
Wed, 17/03/202112:00-13:00
Zoom Meeting ID: 831 1471 4155 Passcode: 775260