Analysis Seminar - Dvoretzky lecture - Assaf Naor "The (in)compatibility of 3 and 5 dimensional Heisenberg geometry with Lebesgue spaces" Wed, 26/06/201912:00-13:00Location: Ross 70
Analysis Seminar: Malte Gerhold (Technion) "Dilations of q-commuting unitaries" Wed, 03/04/201912:00-13:00Location: Ross 70
Special Analysis Seminar: Dirk Hundertmark (Karlsruhe) "Cwikel's bound reloaded" Wed, 10/04/201914:30-15:30Location: Sprinzak 24
Analysis Seminar: Daniel Ofner (HUJI) "Mesoscopic universality for orthogonal polynomial ensembles on the unit circle" Wed, 19/06/201912:00-13:00Location: Ross 70
Analysis seminar: Yoel Grinshpon "Fluctuations of linear statistics for Schroedinger operators with a random decaying potential" Wed, 22/05/201912:00-13:00Location: Ross 70
Analysis Seminar: Yehuda Pinchover (Technion) "How large can Hardy-weight be?" Wed, 13/03/201912:00-13:00Location: Ross 70
Analysis Seminar: Matthias Keller (Potsdam) "Path integral representations for magnetic Schroedinger operators on graphs" Wed, 15/05/201912:00-13:00Location: Ross 70
Analysis Seminar: Itay Londner (UBC) "Interpolation sets and arithmetic progressions" Wed, 20/02/201912:00-13:00Location: Ross 70
Analysis Seminar: Lior Alon (Technion) "A central limit type conjecture for the nodal statistics of quantum graphs" Wed, 29/05/201912:00-13:00Location: Ross 70
Special Analysis Seminar: Eitan Tadmor (Maryland) Wed, 09/01/201914:00-15:00Location: Sprinzak Building, room 26
Analysis Seminar: Andrei Osipov (Yale) "On the evaluation of sums of periodic Gaussians" Wed, 20/03/201912:00-13:00Location: Ross 70
Analysis Seminar: Martin Fraas (Virginia) "A many-body index for quantum charge transport" Wed, 02/01/201912:00-13:00Location: Ross building, room 70
Analysis Seminar: Boaz Slomka (WIS) "An improved bound for Hadwiger’s covering problem via thin shell inequalities for the convolution square" Wed, 24/10/201812:00-13:00Location: Room 70, Ross building
Analysis Seminar: Jonathan Breuer (HUJI) "A transfer matrix approach to scaled limits of Christoffel-Darboux kernels" Wed, 31/10/201812:00-13:00Location: Room 70, Ross building
Special Analysis Seminar: Sergey Denisov (Wisconsin) "Szego theorem for measures on the real line: optimal results and applications" Sun, 18/11/201812:00-13:00Location: Manchester building, room 209