Applied Mathematics

Applied mathematics is concerned with the interaction between mathematics and other sciences, such as physics, computer science, engineering, economics and biology. This interaction is often bi-directional: mathematical concepts and techniques are used to model and solve concrete problems in other fields. Reciprocally, scientific progress raises new mathematical problems, and motivates the development of new mathematical concepts and tools. The mathematical side of applied mathematics can potentially encompass all fields in mathematics, e.g., analysis (including numerical analysis), algebra, geometry, topology and probability. 


Faculty members in Applied Mathematics:

  • Matania Ben-Artzi (emeritus): Applied mathematics, Mathematical physics, Partial differential equations.
  • Raz Kupferman: Analysis, Geometry and their applications in physics and material science, Variational calculus, Numerical analysis.
  • Cy Maor: Calculus of variations, differential geometry, applications to mechanics, materials science and spaces of mappings.