Geometric flows and mathematical general relativity


On March 15 2023 (Wednesday), March 22 2023 (Wednesday) and March 29 2023 (Wednesday),  Prof. Gerhard Huisken (MFO Oberwolfach, Universitat Tübingen) will be giving the Gordon lectures at the Einstein institute, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The talks will concern with the topics of geometric flows and mathematical general relativity. Surrounding his talks, there will be three one-day workshops, about the general theme of geometric analysis, differential geometry and mathematical general relativity.  There will also be other research activities throughout Prof. Huisken’s visit. 


15.3.23 (Wednesday) Workshop on geometric analysis

Location: Israel institute of advanced studies, lecture hall 130

Please note the date and venue change.

10:50 AM: Lev Buhovsky (Weizmann institute and Tel Aviv university)
Nodal count via topological persistence

2:00 PM: Jake Solomon (Hebrew University)
The cylindrical transform

3:30 PM: The first Gordon Lecture - Gerhard Huisken (MFO and Tubingen)
Mean curvature encoding physical concepts in general relativity

5 PM: Emanuel Milman (Technion)
Multi-bubble isoperimetric problems - old and new


22.3.23 (Wednesday) Workshop on geometric analysis with focus on geometric flows
Location: Israel institute of advanced studies, lecture hall 130
Please note the date and venue change.

10:00 AM: Miles Simon (University of Magdeburg)
Initial stability estimates for Ricci flow and three dimensional Ricci-pinched manifolds

11:30 AM: Shay Sadovsky (Tel Aviv University)
Non-traditional optimal mass transport

2:30 PM: The second Gordon Lecture - Gerhard Huisken (MFO and Tubingen)
Inverse mean curvature flows

4 PM: Thomas Korber (University of Vienna)
Schoen's conjecture for limits of isoperimetric surfaces

5 PM: Rotem Assouline (Weizmann Institute)
Brunn Minkowski inequality for horocycles


29.3.23 (Wednesday) Workshop on geometric analysis with focus on mathematical general relativity
Location: Israel Institute of Advanced Studies

10 AM: Gilbert Weinstein (University of Ariel)
Gravitational Solitons and Complete Ricci Flat Riemannian Manifolds of Infinite Topological Type

11:30 AM: The third Gordon Lecture - Gerhard Huisken (MFO and Tubingen)
Concepts of quasi-local mass in General Relativity

2:30 PM: Stephen Lynch (Imperial college of London)
Plateau's problem via the theory of phase transitions

4 PM: Leonardo Senatore (ETH Zurich)
Exploring how the universe began with mean curvature flow


The entire workshop will be available in the following zoom link:

If you intend to come to one or more of the workshops, please register in the link.

If you are interested in visiting (locally or internationally) and are interested in support, or if you wish to actively participate in the program surrounding Prof. Huisken’s visit, please contact Or Hershkovits (