NT&AG: Max Gurevich (University of Singapore), "Branching laws for non-generic representations" Mon, 28/05/201814:00-15:00Location: Room 70A, Ross Building, Jerusalem, Israel
GAME THEORY AND MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS RESEARCH SEMINAR:Michal Feldman, Tel Aviv University "Interdependent Values without Single-Crossing (Joint work with Alon Eden, Amos Fiat and Kira Goldner)" Sun, 29/04/201813:30-14:30Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond Safra Campus
Tomasz Rzepecki (Uniwersytet Wrocławski): Topological dynamics and Galois groups in model theory Tue, 19/06/201814:15-15:15Location: Ross 70
Basic Notions: Alex Lubotzky "From expander graphs to high dimensional expanders: a road map" Thu, 26/04/201816:00-17:30Location: Math Hall 2
Analysis Seminar: Nadav Dym (WIS) "Linear algorithms for computing conformal mappings" Wed, 16/05/201812:00-13:00Location: Ross Building
Dynamics Lunch: Matan Seidel (Huji) - "The Mass Transport Principle in Percolation Theory" Tue, 29/05/201812:00-13:00Location: Manchester lounge
Analysis Seminar: Barry Simon (Caltech) "Heinävarra’s Proof of the Dobsch–Donoghue Theorem" Wed, 27/06/201812:00-13:00Location: Ross Building, Room 70
Yuri Lima (Paris 11): Symbolic dynamics for non-uniformly hyperbolic systems with singularities Tue, 29/05/201814:15-15:15Location: Ross 70
Dynamics Seminar: Yinon Spinka (TAU): Finitary codings of Markov random fields Tue, 08/05/201814:15-16:15Location: Ross 70
HD-Combinatorics Special Day on Grassman Expanders and Unique Games (organized by Irit Dinur) Mon, 16/04/2018Location: Room 130, IIAS, Feldman Building, Givat Ram
Logic Seminar - Ehud Hrushovski - "Introduction to the model theory of globally valued fields" Wed, 11/04/201816:00-18:00Location: Ross 70A