No Kazhdan seminar-Lior Yanovski "Descent in algebraic K-theory" Sun, 18/06/202314:00-16:00Location: Ross 70A
Yakov Varshavsky "Introduction to Geometric Langlands" Sun, 18/06/202314:00-16:00Location: 70 Ross + Zoom
HUJI Set Theory Seminar: Omer Ben-Neria(HUJI) - Definable Closed Unbounded Sets Wed, 07/06/202313:00-15:00Location: ross 70
Copenhagen-Jerusalem Combinatorics Seminar:- Tianran Chen (Auburn University at Montgomery): "What lattice polytopes can tell us about network of oscillators?" Thu, 08/06/202317:15-19:00Location: Zoom
Probability seminar: Eviatar Procaccia (Technion) - Fluctuations of Stationary Hastings Levitov are log-correlated Thu, 08/06/202313:00-14:00Location: Ross 70
KU-Jerusalem Lunch Seminar: Lorenzo Venturello (Università di Pisa) -Two graph polytopes Tue, 06/06/202312:00-13:00Location: Levy 7 Hall and Zoom
T&G: Yi Wang (Stony Brook), String topology, cyclic homology, and the Fukaya A-infinity algebra Tue, 30/05/202318:00-19:00Location: Zoom
Copenhagen-Jerusalem Combinatorics Seminar: - Alex Cohen (MIT): "Improved bound for Heilbronn's triangle problem and connections to projection theory" Thu, 01/06/202317:15-19:00Location: Zoom